Donnerstag, Dezember 12, 2019

Itzadragon ~✿~ Invoking the Divine Feminine ~✿~ Magikana Festival (Wales, UK)

"Our feminine’s heart is sprinkled
with the sweet nectar of healing
that the Cosmic Mother delivers to us.

In this moment, we are part of the Sacred Circle of Light.
We activate our spiritual strength to radiate Loving energy
through our hands and our consciousness.

We ask you, Cosmic Mother,
to bless our hands and the hands of our Brothers and Sisters
so we can channel here and now
your Healing Light towards Mother Earth.

We ask you, Divine Mother, to make us an instrument of your Peace.
We ask you, Divine Mother, to make us an instrument of your Light.
We ask you, Divine Mother, to make us an instrument of your Love.

Help us to awaken our Sacred Feminine side,
Warriors of Love, Defenders of Life...

Joined with the spiritual strength of all of us,
we wrap the Earth in an intensely Violet Light
and we cleanse her of all of her wounds...

We liberate in this moment her pain and suffering
and wrap the Earth in a serene Pink Light,
filling with a loving vibration every corner of this planet.

Together and conscious of our united power,
our Love is a concrete weapon,
more powerful than any weapon of war.

We open at this moment channels toward Divine Grace.
We commit to being Guardians of Mother Nature,
Loving and caring for all that Goddess has created.

We commit to keeping this prayer alive day after day,
strengthening the Circle of Light.
By our daily actions, we commit to seeding Love on Earth..."

MEUTE - Panda (Oscar House Rework)

Montag, Oktober 21, 2019

MEUTE live concert au Trianon ° Die Meute tobt !!

MEUTE is a Techno Marching Band - eleven drummers and horn players from Hamburg/Germany who fulfil the job of a dj with their acoustic instruments. The archaic conglomerate of brass and drums creates a new genre by combining hypnotic driving techno and expressive brass band music. MEUTE detaches electronic music from the dj desk and evolves the thrust of energy on stage or directly in the crowd. No matter if in the countryside or in the club, with or without electricity – MEUTE runs.

MEUTE - The Man with the Red Face (Boston Street Encore)

MEUTE - Hey Hey (Dennis Ferrer Rework)

MEUTE - REJ (Âme Rework)


Dienstag, September 17, 2019

Samstag, April 13, 2019

Seder-Masochism (full feature) by Nina Paley

Loosely following a traditional Passover Seder, the events of Exodus are retold by Moses, Aharon, the Angel of Death, Jesus, and the director’s own father. But there’s another side to this story: that of the Goddess, humankind’s original deity. Seder-Masochism resurrects the Great Mother in a tragic struggle against the forces of Patriarchy.

Montag, März 11, 2019

Otherwordmusic by Aua

Kranke Normale

Erich Fromm: Die Normalsten sind die Kränkesten. Und die Kranken sind die Gesündesten. Das ist nicht bloß eine witzige Formel. Der Mensch, der krank ist, zeigt, dass bei ihm gewisse menschliche Dinge noch nicht so unterdrückt sind, dass sie nicht in Konflikt kommen können mit den Mustern der gestörten Kultur, sondern dass sie in dieser Kultur Krankheitssymptome erzeugen.

Mehr : Kranke Normale

Freitag, März 01, 2019

Daanzeplatz ° Frau Holles Lichtmesse, on SoundCloud by urwege

Playlist "Daanzeplatz ° Frau Holles Lichtmesse", a SoundCloud-mix by urwege, is finished
(a bit faster, deep house, crosover, world heart beats, 103 tracks)
Foto : urwege

14. Lied °JulIla° on SoundCloud by urwege

Playlist "14. Lied °JulIla°" on SoundCloud by urwege is finished,
(world heart beats, a bit slower, 115 tracks)
Fotoursprung leider unbekannt, bearbeitet

Live and Sets 7 on SoundCloud by urwege

Playlist "Live and Sets 7" is finished, 133 Sets

Melting II ° a spotify-mix by urwege °

Montag, Februar 25, 2019

Vagabunden Karawane: A musical trip through Iran, Afghanistan and India ...

Embryo´s Reise-Doku

Roots ° Embryo - Embryo's Reise (1979) FULL ALBUM

Roots ° Umsonst & Draußen Festival (Vlotho 1978)

Bin gerade ziemlich fassungslos, dass ich das hier gefunden habe. Da war ich. Mit meiner Hippie-WG 😍, Menschen allen Alters, eine große Familie
<<<<><👩‍👩‍👧‍👧👨‍👨‍👧‍👧👩‍👧👨‍👧‍👦👩‍👦‍👦 🧒👦👨‍👨‍👦👩‍👩‍👧‍👧👨‍👧‍👦👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👦👨‍👧‍👦 ><>>>> °°°°Nur ein Moment?°°°°
Habe schon gedacht, ich hätte es vielleicht nur geträumt.
Umsonst & draußen Festival (Vlotho 1978), Dokumentation in Superqualität
Chiaowie°Jele°Tschiuma 💜🙏❤️